Harry spooners erotic adventure fanfic

it was a cold, raining night. perfect for fan fiction. harry potter was in a cabin and then a hyper realistic giant man came in and his name was hagrid and he was big. he smelt like 50 layers of onions. hoogrid pulled off his pants. harry styles counted all of his pube strands one by one, there were 69 total. haggy had an umbrella and shoved it in hury potters pee pee hole and whispered in his ear "ur a wizerd harrie." hoogy lickd his lips he breathed heavely into hoo hoo pootys nostrils. it smelt life deep fried caramel. hagrid sad to harry "lets go somewhere more private." even though nobody was there except for his uncle, auntie, and cousin. higgy grasped hurrys small tender hands with his big sausage like fingers in a yayoi type fashion. he pulled harry outside into a speed boat and they sailed into the sunset. The end. OR IS IT? Voldywort stared jeoliously at harry and hagrid. he always wanted harrys firm booty ever since harry was a baby. he whispered "till next time..." Sequal?
By duckduckseduce (pls dont hat)